Monday, February 6, 2017


Assalamualaikum everyone!

My name is Hanif Hidayat and welcome to Lakastah Bejaur (meaning "Let's Wander" in Bruneian language).

I started this blog with the purpose of sharing my travel experience during my trip to Seoul in January 2017 as there are so many people eager to know how I get to travel on a budget to South Korea!

Lakastah Bejaur isn't my first blog. Just so you know, blogging isn't my first rodeo! I've been blogging since 2009 and my first blog is Hobby Chaos, which solely focus on my passion for anime, movies, toys, video games and anything geeky that you can think of. The blog is still active by the way! Feel free to drop by. ;)

To be honest, I have always been afraid of a long haul flight. South Korea is the first country that I traveled to outside of South East Asia. But the journey opened my eyes and I actually fell in love with traveling! Now it is my dream to quit my job to travel the world. One day, Insha Allah.

For Lakastah Bejaur, I will primarily use Bahasa Melayu Brunei and English to write my content! Utamakan Bahasa Melayu nya urang. Hehehe..

Find me on these Social Media;

For any questions and enquiries you can email me at!

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